The Housatonic Art League (or H.A.L.) is a non-profit art organization serving the Greater New Milford area as well as many other western Connecticut towns.
Organized in 1971 by a small group of professional and semi-professional artists, HAL has grown over the last 30 years to become a multi-faceted organization. Amateurs, students, Sunday painters, emerging artists and professionals are all equally welcome as members. HAL provides an arena in which artists and craftsmen can socialize, exchange ideas, meet new friends and learn new skills that may enhance their lives and careers.
HAL awards a scholarship annually to an area high school senior winner of a portfolio competition, and provides qualified art show judges free of charge on a regular basis to community organizations.
HAL also sponsors art exhibits for local banks, restaurants, and businesses, monthly art demos ("An Evening with the Masters"), and art classes taught at reasonable rates to area residents.